Daylight. Candle light. Party lights. Whatever the mood, whatever the setting, whatever the time of day, adding intelligent and automated Z-Wave lighting to your home is now as easy as changing a lightbulb.
On those dim days when you need the lights on during the day time, LED Bulb can be tuned to emit same colour of light as comes through your windows. It’ll brighten to your room to the perfect level without you even noticing.
There’s daylight and then there’s the soft, warm light that beautifully fills a home at night. With technology dedicated to warm light, LED Bulb can fill a room with warm light or be as soft as a candle to read by.
Its two perfect shades of white light are joined by every other colour of light: 16 million in total. From mood lighting to notification lighting, LED Bulb has every colour of the rainbow, and then some, at your disposal.
Whether for day-to-day use, or mood or notification lighting, LED Bulb 6’s Multi-Colour edition lets you light your home with 16 million different colours of light. Each of them can be selected via Z-Wave, whether manually or via automation, and they can be dimmed or brightened up to 800 lumens.
Whether from a wall switch, an app, schedule or automation, LED Bulb 6 are the connected bulbs you can control your way.
Not all light bulbs are created equal. Particularly when they’re a connected light bulbs.