The world’s first Dual Intelligent Processors from ASUS pioneered twin onboard chips - TPU (TurboV Processing Unit) and EPU (Energy Processing Unit). Dual Intelligent Processors 3 builds on that foundation with new SMART DIGI+ power control, which includes multiple digital voltage controllers, allowing ultra-precise tuning for the CPU, iGPU and DRAM. It’s upgraded with one-click extreme performance optimization and selectable CPU wattage levels, offering easier power control and better power savings with the user-friendly AI Suite II utility.
Always at the forefront of power design, ASUS propels you into the future standard of power management again by SMART DIGI+ Technology, which works with the TPU (TurboV Processing Unit) to ramps up performance to its maximum. Enable the all-new SMART DIGI+ key with a single click and adjust CPU ratios manually in the TPU to increase CPU frequency up to an incredible 85%!
SMART DIGI+ Technology also includes the Smart CPU Power Level profile, which reduces CPU power consumption to a specific indicated wattage with a single click, creating a cooler and quieter PC. With next generation Intel VRD 12.5 future power technology, ASUS once again leaps to the future of innovation.
ASUS Wi-Fi GO! makes enjoying home entertainment and remote control capabilities easier than ever by linking PCs, pads, smartphones and TV together. With a Wi-Fi module on board, ASUS Wi-Fi GO! adds a host of useful and free Wi-Fi functions, which provide DLNA streaming so you can enjoy a home theater PC, while also providing remote access to your PC with a smart device. This feature leads the market by integrating Wi-Fi connectivity, DLNA access and all smart devices with a one-stop utility for a futuristic connected lifestyle.