Apogee Duet FireWire Price in Pakistan

By: Apogee

Model: Duet


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FireWire Port

Using the included FireWirecable, connect your Machere – Duet is powered fromthe FireWire connection

I/O Breakout Cable

Using the includedbreakout cable,connect microphones,instruments,

Connect Headphones

Now, connect a pair ofheadphones to Duet’sheadphone output, openiTunes, and initiate playback ofan audio selection. Playbackshould be audible in theconnected headphones anddisplayed on Duet’s top panelmeters.

Output level

To change Duet’s output level (i.e the listening level of headphone and connectedspeakers), press and release the encoder repeatedly until the OUT LED lights.Now, turn the encoder to the desired listening level. The hardware encoderoperates in parallel with any software level controls

Apogee Maestro

Apogee Maestro software provides the most complete control of Duet, including control ofall settings, store/recall of configurations and low-latency mixing. If your recording softwaredoesn’t include an Apogee control panel, then use Apogee Maestro to make settings

In the Box

  • Apogee Duet FireWire
  • 1 meter FireWire cable
  • Duet’s breakout cable