Pre-workout, Post- Workout or your Whole Workout.
Analyze your strength and body symmetry.
Easily incorporate fitness in your life.
At Home, the Office or On the Go.
Real-time strength feedback and measurements.
Coaching app with exercises, workouts and programs.
Protects your joints to minimize the risk of injury.
Just starting out? Activ5 makes exercising accessible and simple. Our low impact workouts can be done regardless of your age or ability.
Stay motivated and reap the rewards. Activ5 guides you through workouts, programs and challenges to up your game.
Expand your training by using objective feedback and real-time measurements. Fully tire out your muscles or warm up before a tough workout.
Activ5 is a portable workout device and mobile app that coaches you through low impact, isometric based workouts in as little as 5 minutes per day.